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Ask Babybee: Do I really need a bassinet?

One of the most common questions to make its way into the Babybee inbox is whether or not you need a bassinet with your pram.

The answer comes down to how old your baby is, and at what ages you wish to use the pram.

Our ROVER, DUO2  and COMET (discontinued) seats are specifically designed for use from 6 months+, with our LUNA double stroller suited for use from 0 months.

The reason for this is that the ROVER & DUO2  stroller seats do not fully recline to a flat surface as you'll see below.

The main risk with putting a young baby in a stroller seat that does not fully recline to a flat surface (or capsule for longer than an hour) is that their back becomes curved with legs up and neck tilted forward. This can restrict the amount of oxygen they're getting and sadly has apparently led to cases of seizures (and even worse) across Australia - hence why the Australian safety standards now require companies to advertise the seats as "6 months plus".

Experts recommend bassinets for babies under 6 months of age as the safest travel option for their development and safety. Here's why:

  • Bassinets are specifically designed to meet all of your babies needs
  • Bassinets reduce the risk of SUIDS (Sudden Unexpected Infant Death – formerly called SIDS)
  • Lying flat ensures their airways remain clear
  • A flat, firm surface allows them to stretch out and move freely which is important for both muscle and spinal development (your baby is developing rapidly during this period)
  • A flat position is also most comfortable for bub to sleep in, but keep in mind that pram bassinets are not recommended for overnight or unsupervised sleep

Watch: we quickly run you through the reasons why bassinets are best practice for use with newborns!

We recommend keeping your baby in the bassinet until they are around 6 months of age or can sit up unaided.

The alternative is purchasing a pram with a seat that fully reclines to a flat surface and comes with a newborn insert to ensure maximum comfort and safety. You can check out the LUNA to see how a newborn cocoon works.

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